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#HighlySensitivePeople: Is The Education System As Good As It Can Be?

It’s been a long time since I was in school! I wasn’t a good student. As a highly sensitive person, the education system was very difficult for me. I was afraid to go to school because I felt that I was being watched and criticized all of the time. I didn’t feel comfortable in a group setting. I did my best on individual projects where I could work alone on assignments. Can you or your children relate to this?

There was no information about highly sensitive people at that time. I wish there was! It would have made my school years more productive and enjoyable.  My objective is to help others learn more about their high sensitivity from my personal experiences.  In this way, I can help individuals and parents learn more about themselves so that they can help their highly sensitive children get the most out of themselves.

Is your child highly sensitive? It’s best to recognize this earlier in their lives than later. The more information you have, the better you can communicate with them and talk to their teachers about this inherited character trait if they are having problems.

Parents have mixed emotions about their school systems. If the parents have an interest and are involved in their child activities, the better their child will thrive. Also, the better the school system, it increases the odds of having better teachers. Teachers have different opinions about their work conditions and support from their administrators.

Like in every profession, there are good and bad teachers. It’s impossible to paint a broad brush of whether teachers are a problem or not. Based on comments that I’ve heard, many teachers feel overworked and under appreciated. They are under tremendous pressure to cover many subjects in a short period of time.

Based on the quality of the school system, students, either feel supported or not. The general consensus seems to be that they are not getting the vocational guidance to compete in today’s job market. Also there’s little emphasis on different learning styles, self-employment, creativity, and general life skills. This hasn’t changed since I was in school!

Home schooling, charter schools, vocational schools, and various after school learning centers offer different educational options.

Is the education system as good as it can be? This is a very debatable and controverial topic and question. My humble opinion is no it isn’t. I’m not placing blame on one particular aspect of the educational system. I believe that there needs to be more parental involvement, more communication between teachers and parents, and a system that have the children’s interests at heart to prepare them for the world of today and tomorrow.

It seems to me that there’s too much infighting between parents, teachers, school administrators, and politicians whose sole purpose is to keep their jobs, rather than coming up with meaningful solutions. There needs to be a balance. No educational system is going to be perfect, but there’s no reason that it can’t be improved to meet the students needs.

I’m hopeful that the education system will improve. More thought and communication is needed. New technology will help students become more engaged in their studies. Hopefully teachers will have more flexibility in their teaching methods.

Another thought… Would students be more interested in learning if it were related to subjects that incorporated their interests in talents?

I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

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