#HighlySensitivePeople: Would you like to know a better way to achieve your goals?

In both your personal and professional life, you may have experienced times when you set ambitious goals that seem distant and overwhelming. While big goals are essential, there's another approach that can bring a sense of accomplishment and motivation—achieving micro goals. These small, manageable targets can make a significant impact on your journey to success. Micro goals are essentially smaller, more achievable steps that lead you towards your larger objectives. They serve as building blocks, breaking down complex tasks into manageable actions. Embracing micro goals allows you to celebrate progress along the way, boosting your motivation and self-confidence. Begin by identifying your larger goals, whether they relate to personal growth, career advancement, health, or any other area of your life. Then, break these big goals…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: What do you visualize for yourself?

In the pursuit of personal and professional growth, setting and achieving goals is paramount. The journey from goal setting to goal attainment is often riddled with challenges, distractions, and moments of self-doubt. This is where the power of visualization comes into play. Visualizing and attaining your goals is a profound process that can transform your dreams into reality, providing you with the motivation, focus, and resilience needed to conquer obstacles and make your aspirations a concrete part of your life. What is it that you want to achieve? Be specific, detailed, and precise in your goal definition. Whether it's a career milestone, personal development, health, or relationships, having a distinct vision is essential. Visualization is the process of creating mental images of your desired outcomes.…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Can You Really Change Yourself?

There are lots of theories out there about people’s ability to change themselves. Some think it’s entirely impossible, others think it can be possible in small increments, and others think it’s possible with hard work.

Can you change yourself? The short answer to this question is yes, you can change yourself. It takes hard work, diligent effort, focus, dedication, and strength to change yourself, but it is possible. The thing is, it’s far from easy. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are You Tired Of Spinning Your Wheels?

Do you ever feel like you're running in circles on the "hamster wheel" of life? For many of us, it's easy to fall into the habit of doing the same thing over and over, even though our actions aren't producing the results we want. It can be difficult to break out of our normal routines and patterns of thinking. Why do we persist on the same path and expect different results? My theory is that we prefer to stick with what's comfortable and familiar, so that we can avoid the anxiety of making a change. We subconsciously value our comfort more than getting what we want. Thus, we soldier on, each time crossing our fingers, and hoping for a better outcome. A much more effective…

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