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Wise advice from Suzanne Falter

Here’s some wise advice for highly sensitive people from a lecture that I attended from Suzanne Falter, the author of How Much Joy Can You Stand?

Talent and effort go together. If they do not, the talent will be wasted. –Giorgio Vasari

  • There’s no such day as some day.
  • Pursuing a dream can be easier than thinking about it.
  • How much commitment do you have to your dream?
  • How can you re-arrange your life to follow your dream?
  • Surrender and trust your dream.
  • Use your intuition to guide you where you need to go.
  • Effort doesn’t have to be a struggle.
  • Have a want to make a life that you want to lead.
  • Make a written list of things that you want to do, but have been avoiding. Make a written list of why you’re not doing it. Fear is the most common cause for not doing what you’d like. Are your fears justified?
  • Make a written list of how you can overcome your fears. Give yourself as many reasons as possible to overcome them.
  • How can you give your gift to others?

The words in bold letters are the ones that I most relate to. Can you relate to anything that Suzanne Falter said? I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Lin

    Mine is more of a diagram than a list. My biggest challenge has been repeatedly finding myself in situations where I’m being discouraged, sabotaged, hindered from being fully me & doing what I feel called to do, in the way it should be done. Most often I feel like the square peg being forced into a round hole. I am struggling to find the square hole!

    1. Cliff Harwin

      Hi Lin,

      Sometimes you need to seek and have different experiences before you find your “right place”. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure isn’t really failure but a way to learn and grow. Use your instincts to guide you in your right direction. Your calling will come when your combine your interests and strengths. Make a written list of them. These are the clues to put you where you want to be.

  2. Suzanne Falter

    I’m happy to see that How Much Joy Can You Stand? is still supporting you, Cliff. I published it almost 15 years ago! Where ever you are at in your struggle to be seen and heard is, amazingly, the perfect place. Honor it and it will honor you. And then … somehow … that square peg will find its right fit. Namaste.

    1. Cliff Harwin

      Hi Suzanne,

      I’m shocked and honored that you saw and replied to my post! I took notes at a lecture that I attended in 2000. I think it was at the Learning Annex in New York City. Your words really resonated with me and have helped me tremendously. I’m a writer that wants to share the lessons that I’ve learned from my experiences as well as the wisdom of others. I’ve finally found the place where I want to be. Thank you so much for all that you do!

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