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Photo by Philip Swinburn

Are you organized?

I write this blog post as I’m in the process of doing major organizing in my home. It seems to be an overwhelming task. Where do I start? Can anyone relate to my dilemma?

I’m organized in a disorganized kind of way. Does this make sense? To give you an example, I have a habit of clipping articles from many sources on topics that I’m interested in. I have numerous folders with headings of specific topics. Sounds organized doesn’t it? Wrong! I’m still overwhelmed!

There are too many folders. I’ve come to the conclusion that simplification is the order of the day. I need to have general topics, which means less folders. There are some topics that I refer to more than others, so I need to make what’s most important the most accessible. Perhaps some of my folders can be stowed away. Why do I make things more complicated than necessary? Do you have similar habits?

Here are some tips that I’ve learned to be better organized:

  • Break down a big project. I used to spend more time spinning my wheels than actually doing anything. As you likely well know, the feeling of “overwhelm” is a common issue for highly sensitive people. Now, I try to break down a project into manageable chunks, and do small sections at a time. I organize one closet or one section of a messy garage. A small investment over a course of time can pay huge dividends. This will decrease your stress level, give you a sense of accomplishment, and increase your motivation to keep going.
  • Eliminate things decisively. What’s truly important to you? Do you really need it? Highly sensitive people often have a hard time getting rid of things. We may assign sentimental value to our possessions, or our natural sense of resourcefulness makes us want to keep something because we may be able to use it again someday. Keep in mind that too much stuff will often cause more stress than the remote possibility that you may one day need something you gave away. Make a decision to throw it out, donate it, or keep it. You can have a garage sale, but be sure to weigh the pros and cons of that, because sometimes a yard sale can be more stress than it’s worth.
  • Stop tidying in place of organizing. I have a habit of tidying up a room and placing items in a drawer, underneath a bed, in a closet, etc. What good does this actually do? You can never find the item when you need it. Sure, it’s a short-term fix that makes a room look cleaner, but it’ll never accomplish your long-term organizing goals.

Are you organized? If so, how so? Any specific tips? I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

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