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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Overthink?

Do you overthink? I know this is a funny question to ask a highly sensitive person. I definitely do! I’m making a conscious effort to eradicate this habit because it makes me crazy.

Highly sensitive people tend to be over-analyzers. It’s fine to analyze something, but it becomes counterproductive to overdo it. Ruminating over possible solutions raises anxiety and lessens our ability to solve problems.

When I overthink something, it’s often because I’m trying to make a “perfect” decision. I have to keep reminding myself that there’s no perfect decision. Being a perfectionist just keeps me stuck in perpetual disappointment.

I like to think that I can be in complete control of my life. Of course, this is impossible, but I’m learning that I can have some control by doing my best and making decisions based on the information that I have at the time. I’m also comforted that I can make adjustments as needed.

As general rule, I take no more than twenty minutes to think about a solution to a problem. If it takes longer, I go back to it either in a few hours or days, depending on when a decision needs to be made. Getting a different perspective from a close relative, friend, counselor, or coach can help.

Do you overthink? I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Karen

    Yes, I overthink too much, too. In my case, it is stagnating and causes indecisiveness. Then, when I do make a decision, if I get an opposing opinion from a loved one, my highly sensitive nature takes it as judgmental.

  2. Cliff

    Hi Karen,

    I truly understand what you’re saying. The best thing that we can do is to consider the opinion that is given and use the information that you have and make the best decison that meets your needs and wants.

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