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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are You In Your Proper Work Environment?

Are you in your proper work environment? What type of environment are you drawn to? What kind of environment can you grow and thrive in? These questions will give you a good idea to see if you’re in your proper place.

It’s critical to examine where you are now and where you want to be. This will determine your happiness and productivity. Your health is greatly impacted by the choices you make.

How is a proper environment defined? There are no clear-cut answers. It depends from person to person. Self-awareness is key to determining what’s right for you. How well do you know yourself in all respects including working with your high sensitivity and introversion rather than against it. The purpose of my writing is to provide inspiration and information to highly sensitive people/introverts/and people with social anxiety from a personal point of view.

My proper environment includes:

  • Being surrounded by positive and uplifting people. I just need that precious few who fit this description.
  • Being around people who understand my need to have personal time alone that I need to recharge my physical and emotional batteries.
  • Being around people who understand and accept me for who I am, rather that who they want me to be.
  • Being in “work” situations that I can create at my own pace. That’s why I was self-employed for 35 years. That was my basic motivation for starting my own business. I wasn’t comfortable working for others!
  • Being a writer is a perfect vocation for me. Self-employment or being in a position where you have a lot of latitude and independence is something that highly sensitive people/introverts should consider.

I’m on the high side of being highly sensitive, have many introverted qualities, and have social anxiety. I’ve learned and am still in the process of learning about my strengths and weaknesses. I accept who I am and I work with what I have. I don’t apologize or feel guilty about this. I’m comfortable in my own skin and I don’t care what others think. Sure, it’s great to be accepted, but I don’t feel the need to be validated by others. The best validation is self-validation.

Are you in your proper work environment? If not, what specific manageable steps can you take now to find your proper work environment? I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

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