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Highly Sensitive People: What Are Your Biggest Obstacles For Achievement?

I know from personal experience of being a highly sensitive person that the biggest obstacles for achievement are fear and pessimism. Since these roadblocks originate in the mind, it’s important to examine our recurring thought patterns.

Are your thoughts usually positive, or do you focus on the worst that can happen? Does change frighten you? Are you open to new ways of thinking and doing things? These are important questions to answer. Unless we examine our thoughts, we can easily get trapped in old, familiar patterns that don’t serve us.

If you find yourself caught in a negative mindset, take the time to consider the source of your destructive thoughts. Are your thoughts true? How do you know? Are you making assumptions based on things others have said or direct experiences you have had.

If making decisions is a source of fear for you, think about the consequences of all possible actions, and use your intuition and logic to think things through. If you find yourself overthinking and endlessly pondering a decision, set a time limit, and force yourself to decide. Once you’ve made a decision, stick to it, and don’t agonize over what-ifs.

Another antidote to fear is having a burning passion to achieve your goal. When your desire is greater than your fears, you will move forward. Keep in mind that change doesn’t have to happen overnight. Taking small steps over a period of time is a realistic, less frightening way of accomplishing your objectives.

Change is another source of fear for many highly sensitive people. Understand that change is a process. Like anything else, it will have its ups and downs. There’s no need to get stressed out over every setback. Make adjustments and realize that you’re getting closer to what you want.

Always be sure to celebrate your successes, whether they are large or small. Becoming the person you were meant to be may not be easy, but the rewards will boost your self-esteem and enable you to conquer whatever comes your way. Patience, flexibility, ambition, courage, and a positive mindset are the keys to keeping you on the right path.

What are your biggest obstacles for achievement? How do you overcome them? I overcome my challenges by having a compelling reason to do something. This keeps me focused on my objective. I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

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