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Highly Sensitive People: Do You Need More Tips For Coping With Difficult Times?

Most of highly sensitive people can agree that positive thinking is important. It tends to make us feel better, be more productive, and reduces stress. The problem is, our lives aren’t always rosy. Crises happen – be it on a personal level or something more widespread. That reality is a part of everyone’s life, and it makes keeping your spirits up difficult.

If you are struggling to stay positive and hopeful when going through tough this difficult time, here are some suggestions:

  • Don’t Ignore the Situation— No matter what you are dealing with, ignoring it is rarely the answer. While ignoring problems might feel good in the short-term, it will sap your long-term positivity. Facing a problem and dealing with it will give you a feeling of being in control. This will help alleviate stress.
  • Have a Plan— One of the single best things you can do to maintain positivity during tough times is to have a plan on how to deal with it. When you focus on the solution rather than the problem, you will naturally feel more positive. You will feel like you are rising to the challenge.
  • Think About the Things You are Grateful For— Even during great personal turmoil, you still have things you are grateful for. When things get tough, it is vital to remember that there is good in the world, and more importantly, in your life. When you are struggling, take some time to list the things in your life you are grateful for.
  • Reach Out for Support— Support in and support out! Reach out to loved ones and offer your support. Reach out if you need assistance too. When things are dire, it is always reaffirming when people pull together and help each other.
  • Journal Your Feelings— Journaling is a powerful tool in so many ways. By simply giving you a place to express your fears and concerns, a journal helps you maintain positivity outside of its pages. Do you know how good it feels to vent to a friend? Well, consider your journal as your best friend.
  • Focus on Things You Can Control— When your world seems like it is spinning out of control, you may feel helpless. One way to address this and stay more positive is to focus on the things you can control. Instead of fretting about things out of your control, focus on making sure you do your best job on the things you can control.
  • Embrace DistractionsDistractions are usually the worst. We are often trying to learn how to avoid or deal with them. They aren’t that bad when you are struggling to stay positive in tough times, though. No matter how silly they seem, you should embrace distractions that bring you joy in tumultuous times.

What other tips do you have in coping with difficult times? I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

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