Read more about the article Was Julia Child A Highly Sensitive Person?
Julia Child and her husband Paul in their kitchen

Was Julia Child A Highly Sensitive Person?

I recently watched the movie, Julie and Julia, a 2009 film that depicts events in the life of chef Julia Child. This movie inspired me to draw parallels between her life and my own. I’m not sure if Julia Child was highly sensitive or not, but she’s a great example for HSPs to emulate and admire.

Julia Child was a genuine person who had an exuberance for life. She was extremely confident and enjoyed wonderful, profound relationships with her husband and friends. She had a passion for food and was able to craft a successful career around her passion. (more…)

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Find your passion: What makes you come alive?

How many people still have no idea what their passion is? Some spend a lifetime trying to figure out what they want to do, but many more will abandon the endeavor altogether. The idea of discovering your passion can seem like a daunting task, and it’s easy to be skeptical. We may believe it’s unrealistic to think we can support ourselves while doing something you love. Sure, there are exceptions, but that’s not the norm, we tell ourselves. Other excuses may be ‘It’s too late,’ or ‘I don’t have time.‘ Why not explore the possibilities of having your own business? (more…)

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Read more about the article Are you following your best career path?
Photo by Anastasia Petrova

Are you following your best career path?

If you’re like many people, you probably aren’t following your best career path. As highly sensitive people, it’s extremely important for us to be in a career that meets our needs, such as a comfortable, physical environment, co-workers who share our values, work that is interesting or inspiring, and a position that utilizes our strengths.

Change can be a scary thing, especially when you don’t know what you really want or where your strengths lie. So what’s does a highly sensitive person do? You could stay in a situation that’s wrong for you but pays the bills, or you could take small steps to go in a better direction. (more…)

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Read more about the article How to carve out your life’s passion by John C. Maxwell
Underground cave art by Ra Paulette, a visionary cave sculptor from New Mexico

How to carve out your life’s passion by John C. Maxwell

Sculptor Ra Paulette has an unusual passion. He digs caves by hand and then turns his newly created spaces into works of art. Using only a pick ax, a scraper, and a wheelbarrow, Paulette has been digging caves for nearly 30 years. His multi room structures are remarkable; they are sculptures and art galleries in one. Filled with paintings, pools, skylights, furniture and waterfalls, Paulette’s caves are redefining the way art can be experienced. (more…)

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