#HighlySensitivePeople: How did you feel about going back to school?

Kids of all ages are going back to school. The start of the school year signifies the beginning of new classes with different teachers, meeting new friends, and facing fresh challenges. As a kid, I was always highly apprehensive at the start of the school year. I felt stressed and unprepared for all of the changes. To make matters worse, I was not a good student because I found the classroom environment overwhelming. I felt constant pressure. I hated the thought of being scrutinized by others. Taking tests and being judged by the teacher and my classmates was terrifying! I still get chills when I think about it. As a highly sensitive person, I felt extremely self-conscious and anxious. I would always tell my mother…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you have trouble making decisions?

Many highly sensitive people, as well as others, have trouble making decisions. However, we must make decisions in life, whether we want to or not. Not making a decision is a decision. We make simple choices, such as what time to get up each morning, as well as more difficult ones.

Some people are very decisive when it comes to avoiding decisions. ~ Brendan Francis

Decision making is a definite challenge for me because of my fear of making a mistake, which is due to my highly sensitive and perfectionist character trait. However, I’ve come to realize that it’s better to make wrong decisions and learn from my mistakes than to endlessly weigh pros and cons. When I avoid or postpone decisions, I feel a sense of powerlessness. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Who can you trust?

Why do highly sensitive people tend to trust too soon in both professional and personal relationships? For me, I've been naive in thinking that everyone has honorable intentions. In the real world, this just isn't true. I've learned that I can't trust others until they've earned my trust. It's never a good idea to reveal too much about yourself before trust has been established. I've been accused of being an idealist. I try to see the best in everyone and everything. As highly sensitive people, it's very easy for us to assume that others feel the way we do. Dishonest people aren't good for anyone, but this is especially true for HSPs. We must make sure that we keep our distance from them. Do you…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you take the time to relax and recharge?

I hope that you're enjoying your summer and taking time to relax and re-charge your emotional and physical batteries. The summer is a great time to stroll along a quiet beach or to simply take sunset walks through your own neighborhood. As a highly sensitive person, it's very important that you routinely unwind and maintain a healthy balance in your life. Another advantage of down time is that it gives you the opportunity for self-reflection, an essential component for setting your future direction. I find it very productive and satisfying when I stop for a moment to gain clarity and consider what I really want out of my life. To encourage self reflection, you may want to start by asking yourself some questions as you…

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