Highly Sensitive People: Can You Teach A Cat To Moo?

As a highly sensitive person, how often do you expect others to act in a way that they are not capable of? I often do this! Frustration over the behavior of other people is a major source of stress for highly sensitive people.

I was doing a social experiment with my cats, Prissy and Charlie. I looked at them and asked them to moo. I then let out a few long, loud moos. I was hoping they would catch on! They looked at me strangely and thought I was crazy. I think they wanted to do it, but felt unsure how to do so. As much as they wanted to, they didn’t have the capacity to moo. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Are You A Chronic Procrastinator?

Full disclosure, I’m a highly sensitive person, with many introverted qualities who is prone to social anxiety. I’m also a recovering chronic procrastinator. This doesn’t mean that all of us are that way, but I feel it’s definitely worth mentioning. I’m not fully recovered, but I’m getting better.

Chronic procrastination is a problem that’s real and is nothing to be laughed at, although there are many jokes about procrastination. Procrastination has caused people to lose jobs, personal possessions, and even their spouse.

But most medical professionals fail to recognize the problem as real, classifying it as simply a bad habit.  It manifests itself in low self-esteem, shame, under achievement, and life can become unmanageable. Many procrastinations take place for people who suffer from adult attention deficit disorder, though it isn’t acknowledged as such. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Do Think You Deserve To Be Happy?

People who are highly sensitive feel things very deeply, and this can make us vulnerable to getting stuck in a negative mindset. On the flip side, we also feel joy deeply, so if we can find ways to be happy, we’ll get an amazing return on our investment!

It should be pretty obvious that everyone deserves to be happy. Happiness is a state of mind, a reaction to the experiences in our lives. Some of us have the good fortune to be born with a happy disposition. Others might have to “work” at being happy.

Where do you fit into the happiness spectrum? Do you focus more on the positive or negative things in your life? Does it bother you to be unhappy, or are you accustomed to it? (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Trick or Treat? Does your mind “trick” you or “treat” you?

Do your thoughts and attitude about yourself work for you or against you? It’s important to recognize that your thoughts influence your actions, and your actions determine the quality and effectiveness of your life.

For example, I’ve said to myself…”I’d love to become an author and teach others the lessons I’ve learned in life. I have a strong desire to do this. I’m a very good writer, and this is a very realistic goal for me.”

I felt exhilarated at first, but then my inner voice decided to play “tricks” on me. I do have some highly sensitive deep-thinking capabilities and have had second thoughts. I’ve said things like…”I can’t do this.” “Who would want to read my writing?” “People will make fun of me.” “Why should anyone listen to me?” (more…)

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