Highly Sensitive People: Why Is It Difficult To State Your Needs? (Revisited)

I participate in many highly sensitive person, empathic, introverted, and people who have social anxiety and/or shyness online groups because I have all of these characteristics. I posted this on Thursday and got by far the most responses. I thought it would be helpful to revisit it and add some personal commentary because I related to all of these comments!  The post is as follows: (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Do You Need Some Uplifting Words?

As a highly sensitive person, I’m trying to find anything that will uplift my mood and give me hope during these troubled times. I recent heard a song on the radio that did just that! The song was “I Can See Clearly Now”, a #1 hit, written and recorded by Johnny Nash. Originally released in 1972, it achieved blockbuster success in the US and the United Kingdom. This song was later recorded by many artists throughout the years, including versions by Jimmy Cliff and Bob Marley. (more…)

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