(2) A Very Difficult Time

While dealing with the loss of a loved one is difficult for anyone, I think it poses special challenges for highly sensitive people. Since we experience emotions on such a deep level, we can easily become overwhelmed by our feelings. When my mother died, I was both shocked and heartbroken. It also dredged up feelings of sadness for other losses I have experienced in my life. (more…)

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(3) Why It’s Important To Ask For Help

Sometimes it is difficult to ask for help. As HSPs, many of us are conscientious and like to think that we can handle things on our own. However, I have learned that getting help from others can sometimes make a really big difference.

On my May 16th, 2014 blog post, I asked the HSP community for input regarding a family conflict. My mother’s 90th birthday was on July 10th. That date came on a Thursday, and my sisters wanted to celebrate on the weekend because of work schedules. (more…)

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It’s never too late to follow your dreams!

I get correspondence and see comments from highly sensitive people and introverts of all ages lamenting that it’s too late to do something meaningful in their lives. As a 69-year-old highly sensitive person and introvert, I can definitely say that this isn’t true! I feel that my best years are yet to come! I’m excited about the prospect of writing much more information about HSPs and introverts. It’s important to have passion and something to look forward to.

I read an inspirational article about a woman who got her high school diploma at the age of 98! Ida Ruth Hayes Greene always regretted not having graduated from high school. She felt that something was missing in her life and decided to remedy that. She was not about to let her age get in the way! (more…)

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(4) The Day My Mother Died

When I got the dreaded call that my mother had been rushed to the hospital, my mind started spinning with many thoughts all at once. What was going on? Would she be alright? My mother was approaching ninety, but I still thought that she would live forever! She had health issues but was self-sufficient until the day she died. She lived in the same house since 1955, took care of her own financial affairs, and was still driving.  (more…)

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