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Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

Are you living your purpose?

Are you living your purpose? This question is especially important to highly sensitive people. We need a “purpose”, regardless of what stage of life that we’re in. Our deep thinking capabilities compel us to ask ourselves this question and come up with answers. It’s essential that our lives have meaning.

Our purpose can take many forms. It could mean being a good parent, friend, spouse, son, daughter, etc. Having a meaningful way of earning a living is a common goal for us all. Volunteer work can make our lives more meaningful. Hobbies and pet ownership can make our lives joyful. Learning a new skill can be fulfilling and give us increased self-esteem. Perhaps it’s a combination of all of these.

What do you do to have your most meaningful life? It has taken me a long time to figure this out. I’ve learned that my most meaningful life is having a balanced life with the elements that I mentioned. I’m also doing “work” that utilizes my talents and interests. My interest is to encourage HSPs to feel good about themselves and make the most out of their inherited character traits. Thus, I am diligently working to produce HSP-related content, such as my books, my web site, my Facebook and Twitter posts, my Highly Sensitive Thoughts Blog posts, and my HSP Email consultations. In essence, I’m helping others. How can you help others?

Live your purpose! You owe it to yourself and others to do so. Can you imagine what a better place the world would be if more of us pursued our passions? What do you think your life would look like if you were living “on purpose”? What type of energy shift would take place, within you and those around you? Aren’t these enough reasons to start living your purpose?

Are you living your purpose? If so, how so? If not, what passions can you pursue? I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

Something to think about:

“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way”. …Wayne Dyer

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kristie

    Your posts to this blog always have me thinking and I LOVE it! Thank you for what you do for all of us fellow HSP’s out here. More than ever I am working to narrow down what my purpose is in this life and have found a few outlets that have really brought me joy. I am working on where to go from here with my writing, I feel driven to write a book in hopes of helping others in this world (that came to me rather suddenly around this time last year). I had never aspired to be a writer before then. Thanks Cliff

    1. Cliff Harwin

      Hi Kristie,

      I’m glad that I have your thinking wheels turning! About your writing ambitions…keep writing! Make the time to do so.

      Refer to my blog post archives and check out my May 31, 2013 post on “Why can’t you write? Also my June 25, 2013 post on “If you want to write, right?

      I hope this motivates you.

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