Highly Sensitive People: Should You Try To Change Yourself In These Difficult Times?

As a highly sensitive person, should you try to change yourself? I’ve been asked this question countless times and have seen on various online forums that people want to get rid of their high sensitivity. They seem to feel that their high sensitivity puts them at a disadvantage in life.

I’ve never felt that way. I’ll admit that I always felt “different” from others, but I could never pinpoint exactly why. When I first learned the term “highly sensitive person,” it was a profound experience. Everything came into focus, and I finally had answers to questions I had been asking myself my whole life.  (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: To Change Or Not To Change?

Being highly sensitive or not, change is extremely challenging. It’s one of the few things in life that is absolutely guaranteed, yet most people are unprepared or unwilling to cope with it. Isn’t this true in this time of worldwide crisis?

Change is a difficult process because it involves letting go of an old situation, be it good or bad. It’s human nature to have anxiety whenever we experience loss or have something new in our lives. As we move out of our comfort zone, the future becomes uncertain, and our angst intensifies. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Do You Have Faith In Yourself?

As highly sensitive people, we often lack faith in ourselves, to withstand the good times and bad.  A lack of faith acts as a barrier that keeps us from leading our happiest and most productive lives.

Would you like to take your mind off of these troubling times and do something productive? Now is the perfect time to take to an inventory of yourself. Believing in yourself is a crucial ingredient for success. Few people ever do anything outstanding without having faith in themselves. If faith is weak, a person’s efforts will be weak. If faith is strong, it can unlock your power and spur you to use your natural abilities or develop new ones. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: How Do You See Yourself?

As a highly sensitive person, how do you really see yourself? Do you understand what makes you “tick?” What motivates you? What pushes your emotional and physical “buttons?” The answers to these questions and how you act and react to life situations will determine the quality and richness of your life.

Fifteen years ago, I found out that I was a highly sensitive person. I thought that I knew myself well. I didn’t! The adult education class that I attended, called “Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?”, was a real eye opener for me. I was relieved to find out that there was nothing wrong with me. This class was life changing. (more…)

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