Highly Sensitive People: Are You An Optimist Or A Pessimist?

It’s important to give an honest answer to this question. First impression…Who would you most like to be around, someone who has a positive or negative attitude?

What sounds more appealing to you? A person who looks for the positive in every bad circumstance, or a person that looks and waits for something bad to happen? (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: How Will You Handle The Road Of Life?

We, the young and the old, are currently going through one of the most difficult times of our lives. There is so much fear because of the upheaval of our normal routines and the uncertainty of what’s going to happen in the future. Unfortunately, we can’t avoid these difficult times throughout our lives.  I conceived of an idea of comparing my travels throughout my life. My inspiration resulted in the piece below about my journey of twists, turns, and obstacles…something I’m sure all highly sensitive people can relate to! (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: What Do You Say To Children About Coronavirus?

It’s hard to comfort anyone, especially children who’s going through this traumatic time. When you’re a highly sensitive person your emotions and thoughts are intensified. This is why it’s important to try to decrease the uncertainty that you and your children have. Don’t underestimate the anxiety that older children have about the level of uncertainty we have. Here’s some information from Dr. Rebecca Dougherty- Froelke, a therapist from Oakville, Missouri who treats people who have anxiety.  (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Are You Self-Conscious?

As a highly sensitive person, do you feel more self-conscious than others? For as long as I remember, I’ve always been a highly sensitive person.  Always self-conscious about my appearance, I worried about what other people thought of me. Since I was tall for my age, people frequently teased me about this.

While it’s normal for young people to feel awkward and self-conscious, HSPs are like “human sponges.” We react to, and take in everything around us. Feelings are magnified. We have certain intuition or strong feelings about everything and everyone. We feel we’re different from others. (more…)

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