Read more about the article A Story of a Child’s Love for her Pet
Photo by Annie Spratt

A Story of a Child’s Love for her Pet

Highly Sensitive Person Tissue Alert! Below is a very touching story that I came across.

There is a God in the Post Office
A Story of a Child’s Love for her Pet

Our 14-year-old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my young daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. Here is her letter: (more…)

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Read more about the article Can perfectionism help or hurt you?
Photo by Julian Paul

Can perfectionism help or hurt you?

Can perfectionism help or hurt you? Let’s explore this question by looking at the definitions, advantages and disadvantages of this very complex trait.

Words associated with perfectionism include: flawless, faultless, extreme, obsessive, supreme, excellence, ideal standard, extremely high standards, and doing something well. At first glance, perfectionism should be a virtue, but there’s a lot of pain and frustration associated with it. Depending on how you use it, it can help you excel, or it can immobilize you. (more…)

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Read more about the article Dealing With Conflict: My Lessons Learned by Marina Brink
Photo Vincent Van Zalinge

Dealing With Conflict: My Lessons Learned by Marina Brink

As a highly sensitive person, I have always felt suffocated by practically any kind of conflict. The intensity and negativity of a conflict-ridden situation would darken my mood, and I would feel paralyzed.

For example, many years ago, one of my co-workers seemed to be on a mission to make my life a living hell. This person knew exactly what to say to push my buttons. As a result, I was riddled with self-doubt, and I dreaded coming to work each day. I wish I could say that I handled the situation successfully, but the truth is that I eventually quit the job. Although walking away is sometimes the healthiest thing to do, it seemed an extreme measure at the time. Perhaps if I had known about my HSP nature and had better strategies to resolve the conflict, I would have dealt with the situation differently. (more…)

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